Monday, September 14, 2009
Where Are You Now?/ 1:09 AM
Prelim 2 is coming to an end, with only a couple of papers left. Good luck to all those doing the mother tongue papers later! Even though i dont have mother tongue =)
On another note, the song Where Are You Now by Honour Society is quite nice. This is the first track for the bandslam soundtrack. If you ahvent watched the show, I think its okay, the story quite funny, and the music not bad. Well its a nice show if u just want to pass a boring afternoon.. Haha.
Sian, I just finished watching the Suzuka anime. I wonder why i keep alternating between anime and manga. I think anime i watched 3 times and manga read like 4 times alrdy. The story really captivates me i guess. How two people could meet under such circumstances and go through all the shit that life had in store for them, to end up happy together, no matter the cost.
I suppose its really touching, since i like manga that invoke emotions, Suzuka is prolly one of my favs. I'll probably read the manga again after the prelims. Maybe im stuck to it, like its an alternate fantasy to the real world.
Where are you now, my suzuka?